Illustration for Motion
In the summer of 2021, I took the Illustration for Motion course taught by Sarah Beth Morgan, from which I learned the foundations of modern illustration and how to create artworks for animation projects. Below is a showcase of the 8 projects that I worked on in this 3-month course.
Project 1: Character Design
The brief: This project is for an upcoming ad campaign for a new boutique bubble tea shop called Normal Bubble Tea. They’re looking for 5 styleframes that feature a female character grabbing a cup of bubble tea while doing something active with her new found energy.
Color Script
Frame 01
Frame 02
Frame 03
Frame 04
Project 2: Abstract Forms
The brief: Me & You is an established industry news site focusing on the creative lifestyle. They’re currently working on a series of articles featuring desk setups from a variety of creatives. Each creative involved is required to illustrate their own desk.
Project 3: Designing a New Style
The brief: Me & You is back with a new request. They’d like to have some illustrations for a special report on putting limits on binge watching shows that target a new younger demographic that typically doesn’t view content through more traditional channels.
Style A (Rejected)
Style B (Approved): Frame 01
Style B: Frame 02
Project 4: Feelings
The brief: This summer, Grandma’s Kitchen is releasing 5 new flavors of their award-winning protein shake. They could think of no better way to release the news than through a 15 second animation. Their goal is to express the sense of extreme satisfaction to their viewers - that feeling you get when you just had the best meal of your life.
Color Palette
Frame 1A
Frame 1B
Frame 02
Frame 03
Project 5: Perspective
The brief: Using isometric perspective, create a simplified, geometric version of any landmark/favorite spot of the city that I live in.
Project 6: Forced Perspective
The brief: CandyCart is a mobile service that delivers home movie snack needs within an hour. Their app is (finally!) launching in a month, and they want to build the hype with a :20-:30 pre-roll ad. They’d like to see a new styleframe that is more grounded in reality, using some perspective. In addition, they’d like to explain some of the transitions to their animator, so they need a transition guide as well.
Sketch and Transition Guide
Frame 01
Project 7: Retro Style
The brief: Get inspired by the retro vibe and infuse it into my style. Add more surrealism, personality, and nostalgic feeling to my illustration.
Frame 01
Frame 02
Project 8: The Final!
The brief: Using everything I learned from this course to create 8 styleframes on a subject of my choice. I chose Cus D’Amato’s speech about his concept of fear as my subject.
Mood Board
Frame 01
Frame 02
Frame 03
Frame 04
Frame 05
Frame 06
Frame 07
Frame 08